Sometimes in a series of problems and worries we forget about one simple, but very effective means that helps to significantly improve life. We mean words that heal, delight, and uplift. Praise is pleasant to both the female and male genders. The main thing is to know how to choose the right expressions and note what is worthy of positive evaluation. Actually, men appreciate compliments and even expect them even more than women.

The stronger sex is sensitive to verbal encouragement. This has a psychological background: making beautiful compliments to the guy, the girl nurtures in him confidence, determination, and the desire to carry her in his arms. Because men need confirmation: «I do everything right!». In childhood, this is mom's task, and in adulthood - the woman he loves.

If you want to learn how to compliment a man, then you have come to the right place. This article will tell you why it is important for men to hear kind words of praise regularly, and here, you can find the best examples of compliments for him.

How to compliment a guy the right way?

As Oscar Wilde said, «Women are never disarmed by compliments. Men always are». Sincere praise is a fixation of a man's virtues. No matter how stern and reserved he may be, pleasant words will bring an embarrassed smile.

That's why we can surely say that sincerity is one of the main elements of a successful compliment to your favorite boyfriend or husband. Another point we should note is specificity. Your words mustn't be banal or generalized. Try to notice even the smallest details in a man and tell him about it with a positive tone.

Why intent matters when complimenting men

It's no secret that sometimes people use compliments for different intentions. Most importantly, such words should always look natural, so you should learn a few things. When you talk, your eyes, facial expressions, and gestures can also say a lot. Therefore, pairing with your body language ensures that compliments are perceived positively.

Best compliments for men based on personality

Every person has a different set of personality traits, including good, neutral, and bad. However, even negative personality traits can be interpreted into good compliments for guys if desired. If your man is characterized by qualities such as kindness, humor, resilience, and emotional strength, you have many options for words of praise. For example, emphasize his good-naturedness and say, «I saw you helping your coworker last Friday. That shows how considerate you are and willing to help the people around you». Here are more compliments for men about his personal qualities:

  • You always know what to say to lift your spirits. Your kind heart brightens the day.
  • I know you'll do the right thing. You always do.
  • 'm proud of you for doing just that. Only a few people would do that.
  • I never doubted your integrity.

Evaluating moral characteristics brings people closer together: if you share the same views and worldview, you are definitely on the same path. Moreover, it is a way of celebrating good deeds and right actions.

Compliments for his emotional strength

Always remaining positive and being emotionally stable are important factors for a man. Any woman will feel safe with such a man even in the most critical moments of life. Just sometimes say cute compliments for him that can please and boost his mood.

For example, you can say a phrase like, «I truly wonder and admire how you stay so calm when there is madness going on all around. That's the sign of the right man». Such words will definitely be nice to hear from your boyfriend, friend, and even your father.

Compliments for his humor and playfulness

It's no secret that women want to have next to them a man who can make them laugh easily. Statistics show that humor in a man is one of the main selection criteria for most of the female population. By telling him, «You are so fun and cool to spend time with because you joke funny», you will show how important it is to you.

How to compliment a man on his looks without being awkward?

The idea that men don't care about how they look is a myth. Just like for women, it will be nice to hear comments about their new hairstyle, sense of style, or physical shape. However, you should be extremely careful with such compliments about a man's appearance. Going over the edge can provoke a man's sense of discomfort.

Most importantly, look at the man's reaction when you compliment him on his appearance. If you notice that he feels uncomfortable, it is worth analyzing your words or their frequency. Another tip is to choose the right setting and context. If you want to compliment his looks or sense of style, wait until you are both in an informal setting.

Compliments for his physical strength

Deep down, any man wants to be strong and have a body like Dwayne Johnson. You can say phrases like «That jacket emphasizes your strong shoulders» or «I like your body shape and feel like I'm behind you like a stone wall.» Your significant other will be happy to hear such masculine compliments.

Compliments for his style and grooming

Would you like to know the best compliments for a man regarding his style or grooming? Tell him that your style matches his and that you think he is a fashionable man. For example, tell your favorite man, «Your sense of style would be the envy of Hollywood celebs» or «What a great look you've picked today.»

Compliments that acknowledge his efforts

Today, not every woman in a relationship knows how to compliment a guy by highlighting his strengths. A great solution is emphasizing his hard work, perseverance, and dedication. Why is that? Quite simple - it's very important for guys to be the breadwinners of the family, earn money, and do everything possible for the good of their other half. Guys want to get feedback from a woman, including a few simple words of appreciation.

Moreover, such compliments can be applied in love relationships, professional environments, and even friendships. We have a couple of great examples just for you:

  • You do so much for our family. I truly appreciate every moment you dedicate to us.
  • I am lucky to have such a responsive friend like you.
  • admire the way you handle your workload.

These are some of the most important compliments for men because it makes them feel useful and needed by someone. It makes them try harder in the future.

Compliments for his work ethic

As mentioned above, men love to make money, build a career, and they feel responsible for these tasks in a relationship. If you want to make your other half feel good, accentuate your words of praise on his efforts in advancing his career and accomplishments at work.

«You always find a way to do more than expected. Your professional growth over the past years is amazing» is a great example of how you can make your man happier and motivate him to move on. Remember that women can be an incentive for a man to evolve.

Compliments for his dedication to the relationship

You should also pay attention to even the smallest details a man does for your relationship. «I like how you always remember the little things that I love. It makes our days together special» - you can say such words to your other half at any time. Surprisingly, even little things like this strengthen the relationship.

How to compliment his intelligence and skills?

Should you compliment a guy on his intelligence? Surely! Because the high intellectual abilities of a person can’t be overlooked. From the first minutes, it becomes clear that in front of you is an educated and comprehensively developed personality. What should you say about close relations with someone with a sharp mind, wit, erudition, and life experience? Here are what compliments to give a guy to highlight his intelligence or skills:

  • Whatever I say, I feel like you already know it. How do you do it?
  • I'm impressed with how you use your intelligence in life.
  • It's a pleasure to talk to such an intelligent man.
  • You have such a deep understanding of the problem at hand.

Certainly, you can personalize such words of praise, and we recommend not making generalizations. Such compliments for guys can help emphasize respect for a man's intellectual abilities and skills. It can have a positive impact on his confidence in his abilities.

Compliments for his problem-solving skills

Men deal better with stressful situations and can find solutions even in the most critical moments. The key is for a woman to appreciate this and tell him about his skills. «When I don't know what to do next, I just turn to you for helpful advice. You will always find the right words and choose a reasonable solution for the situation».

Tell him that without such a smart man, you would have difficulty coping independently. Here's a good example of an appropriate compliment – «I'm sure it would have been very difficult for me to accomplish this task without you.»

Compliments for his creative abilities

Go deep into your man's intelligence and praise him in unusual ways. For example, you can highlight his creative skills to discuss his intelligence. «You're never afraid to experiment, and that's one of your best traits. Your solutions always impress me». This is just one of many examples of how to emphasize creative abilities in masculine compliments.

Boost his ego

Flirty compliments to boost his ego

Attractiveness is among the top things to compliment a guy and you can even use it to flirt. Moreover, your chances of success skyrocket when you unobtrusively flirt and get to know a stranger. Here are the options we can offer you:

  • Your gaze makes me feel happier.
  • Your passion makes me lose my head.
  • You make my gray everyday life brighter than fireworks on New Year's Eve.
  • Your smile could light up a thousand stars in the sky.
  • You look so good that I'm starting to forget what I wanted to say to you a few seconds ago.

Such sweet compliments for guys will definitely appeal to any representative of the stronger sex. It does not matter if you are in a relationship or only in the dating phase. The advantages of such words of praise are that they can noticeably boost a man's ego and become more self-confident.

Compliments that build attraction

When you realize that you are attracted to each other, you can easily enhance this feeling with ordinary words. The most important thing is to know ways to compliment a guy to draw his attention to yourself. For example, the phrase «You know how to intrigue me with just one look» will be a great addition in an informal setting.

Compliments for casual flirting

Sometimes, compliments for men should be light and fun. Here are some great options you should know about:

  • Your new haircut looks so good on you. You look like a movie star.
  • You're so good at jokes. I'd rather have you than comedy.

Sure, you don't have to limit yourself to such compliments, and you can choose options that will suit your man best.

Compliments that build respect and trust

Men want to feel in charge and responsible for making important family and relationship decisions. If you say compliments regularly, it can have a positive impact on your relationship, strengthening it from within. However, the most important thing is to know how to choose the right words. That's why we have collected some compliments for guys that will help build trust and respect.

  • You always notice details that I might miss.
  • Your expertise in the field always impresses me. I am always confident in your decisions.
  • I am pleased that you take responsibility for such important decisions.

The best way to inspire confidence and energize him to face difficult circumstances is to compliment him on his manliness and courage. This will perfectly show the man that you 100 percent trust his actions and decisions.

Compliments that show you trust him

Are you still not sure how to give a compliment to express your complete trust in a man? Phrases like «I trust you even more than I trust myself» or «Every time I face a difficult choice, I know I can rely on your advice. Your support is invaluable to me» will be helpful in a relationship.

Compliments that show you respect his values

It is common for a man to have his own values and stick to them no matter what happens. You can give him words of praise more often about his integrity and sticking to his values. For example, use a phrase such as «Your commitment to your beliefs always guides you to the right decisions. I respect your wisdom and foresight».

Conclusion: the power of complimenting men

Proper compliments for men help the relationship grow by making your partner feel wanted or appreciated. A few kind words can go a long way to restoring the self-esteem and confidence in a man. Don't forget that all people, including men and women, love to receive compliments. Therefore, finding the right words for your other half is important.